
Machine Learning Practical

Postgraduate course, University of Edinburgh, School of Informatics, 2017

I was heavily involved with the MLP course. My role involved helping and assisting with the course content, demonstrating, tutoring and marking.

Algorithms, Datastructures and Learning (Inf2b)

Undergraduate Course, University of Edinburgh, School of Informatics, 2018

Tutored 15 Undergraduate students on key symbolic and numerical technicalities regarding algorithms, data structures, probability, algebra and machine learning.

Informatics Research Review and Practice

Postgraduate Course, University of Edinburgh, School of Informatics, 2018

Lectured and marked 12 people on best practices to conduct current research in Machine Learning.

Decision Making in Robots and Autonomous Agents

Postgraduate Course, University of Edinburgh, School of Informatics, 2019

Marked the course on their understanding of models and techniques for decision making (under uncertainty) in robots. The emphasis of the course is on understanding how we can endow robots with the capacity to autonomously make decisions about how to interact with a dynamic environment (including, sometimes, other agents in these environments).